Dubai Metro

The Dubai Metro, the world’s longest automated driverless metro system in UAE, spans 71 km and features extensive underground sections. Completed in two phases (2006-2010), the project required advanced tunneling and geotechnical monitoring solutions. Encardio-Rite provided crucial instrumentation, including inclinometers, piezometers, strain gauges, and settlement monitoring tools, ensuring excavation safety and urban structural stability. This project dossier details construction challenges, monitoring methodologies, and cutting-edge instrumentation solutions that contributed to the seamless execution of the Dubai Metro in UAE.

Dubai Metro

The Dubai Metro is the world’s longest automated, driverless metro system, setting a benchmark for urban transit in the Middle East. The project has significantly improved transportation infrastructure in Dubai, easing daily commutes for thousands of residents and workers.

The Red Line and Green Line were developed in two phases:

Phase 1 – Red Line (2006-2009):

  • Length: ~53 km
  • Stations: 26 (Including 4 underground stations)
  • Underground Section: 5.6 km

Phase 2 – Green Line (2007-2010):

  • Length: ~18 km
  • Stations: 14 (Including 6 underground stations)
  • Underground Section: 7.9 km

These lines traverse major commercial and residential areas, running underground in the city center from Sheikh Rashid Road to Oud Metha Road.


Project Details

ProjectDubai Metro – Red & Green Line Contracts
LocationDubai, UAE
ClientRoads & Transport Authority (RTA), Dubai
ContractorDubai Rail Link (DURL) Consortium
ConsultantsSystra – Parsons Corporation JV
Project Duration2006 - 2010


Construction & Tunneling

The underground metro system was constructed with minimal impact on nearby buildings, requiring an extensive instrumentation & monitoring (I&M) plan to mitigate risks.

Challenges & Solutions

1. Underground Excavation & Tunneling

2. Structural Monitoring & Settlement Control

  • Geotechnical instruments installed to monitor ground behavior in real-time.
  • Predictive analysis of settlement & soil deformation ensured safety.


Instrumentation Used for Monitoring

A comprehensive monitoring system was implemented to track ground movement, structural stability, and environmental factors.

InclinometersMonitored lateral movement behind diaphragm walls & tunnel alignments.
Standpipe PiezometersTracked groundwater levels in and around stations.
Magnetic ExtensometersMonitored subsurface settlement during excavation.
Strain Gauges & Load CellsMeasured stress/load variations in structural supports.
Surface Settlement PointsTracked ground settlement in excavation zones.
Building Settlement PointsEnsured buildings within zone of influence (ZOI) remained stable.
Tilt MetersMonitored rotation & tilt of buildings due to tunneling.
Crack GaugesDetected crack widening in structures near construction.

📌  Monitoring Duration: 4 years
📌  Key Impact: Data-driven construction adjustments ensured safety & prevented damage to existing infrastructure.


Engineering Excellence & Long-Term Impact

The Dubai Metro Project demonstrates world-class engineering, integrating:
✔  Smart construction techniques
✔  Advanced geotechnical monitoring
✔  Real-time safety analysis

By ensuring structural stability, efficient tunneling, and precise instrumentation, the project set new standards for urban metro systems worldwide.

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