For detailed monitoring of groundwater resources, Encardio Rite provides a comprehensive online web-based monitoring solution that covers the following parameters through the model ESDL-30VB data logger or its variation model ESDL-30CTDB SDI-12 interface data loggers:
- Water table/water temperature
- Water pumped out of tube wells for agricultural, industrial, domestic, and other uses
- Rainfall in the area
- Atmospheric pressure variations
To have online access to all the parameters, Encardio Rite offers a public cloud-based web monitoring service to its customers for retrieving data from data loggers.
The Model ERG-200/201 rain gauge is effectively used to measure and record rainfall. Designed with corrosion-resistant stainless steel, it is bound to last for a long time. It has a ± 2 % at around 30 mm/hour while a ± 5 % at around 120 mm/hour. It is equipped with an SDI-12 interface unit which makes it compatible with the ESDL-30VB data logger.
Integrated Water Resource Monitoring System
Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) requires industries/users of groundwater to install an Automatic Online Web Data Monitoring System for monitoring of:
- Groundwater table
- Quantity of water pumped out of the borewell/tube wells for industrial, agricultural, domestic and other uses
Encardio Rite provides two options to monitor these parameters:
- Option 1: Model EWLR-101 Digital Water Level Recorder (DWLR) for groundwater table monitoring
- Option 2: Absolute water pressure sensor with ultrasonic flow meter connected to an automatic data logger for monitoring groundwater table and quantity of water pumped out.
Model EWLR-101 - Automatic Water Level Monitoring System
The automatic water level monitoring system – Model EWLR-101 – is used to get significant quantitative data on the magnitude of the water column, water table, and temperature in a borehole. The system contains an absolute water level sensor with a cable and an automatic data logger with the required data retrieval/transmission options.
Sensor with Water Level and Temperature
Model ECTD-30V and ECTD-60V CTD Conductivity Sensors with Water Level and Temperature are available for monitoring electrical conductivity, water level, and temperature in the ground. These are robust, marine-grade sensors that are accurate with a Temperature sensor of thermistor 30k Ohm; 0 – 80°C.
The ECTD-30V CTD probe comes with the model EPP-30V absolute pressure sensor and the ECTD-60V CTD probe with model EPP-60V absolute pressure sensor. The ESDL-30CTDB data logger, which collects the data from these sensors, has much of the complex circuitry, lowering the cost of individual sensors without impacting their accuracy or resolution.
Encardio Rite also offers integrated Water Resources Monitoring with an Integrated Water Table, Conductivity, Rainfall, Flow & pH Monitoring facility.
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