Strain Gage

Strain Gages are a vital geotechnical sensor that measures strain in underground cavities, tunnels, buildings, concrete, masonry dams, bridges, embedment in soil/concrete, etc. It is a resistance that varies with applied force, as it converts force, pressure, tension, weight, etc., into a change in measurable electrical resistance. Stress is determined as the object's internal resisting forces, and strain is defined as the displacement and deformation that occur.

Any basic strain gage sensor consists of an insulating flexible metallic foil backing. To measure the stress, the strain gage is attached to the object using an adhesive. The deformation in the object causes the foil to get distorted, changing its electrical resistivity.


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Model EDS-40D

Dynamic Strain Gauge


Model EDS-20V-AW

Arc Weldable Strain Gauge


Model EDS-20V-E

Low-range Embedment Strain Gauge


Model EDS-21V-SW

Spot Weldable Strain Gauge


Model EDS-11V

Heavy-duty Strain Gauge


Model EDS-12V

Sister Bar Strain Gauge

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