Seepage Monitoring

Water seepage is the name given to the phenomenon when the water flows from one place to another via little holes or porous material. It usually occurs after heavy rainfall and might create hydrostatic pressure against the foundation of any structure. It is, therefore, very essential to measure the water seepage and to understand and predict the behaviour of the structure. It is used for dam monitoring as the quantity of water seeping through, around, or under a dam is of great importance in analysing the structural behaviour of a dam.

For measuring seepage, the drain water is taken through collection channel(s) for discharge downstream of the dam. The collection channel/channels are terminated in a collection chamber where the discharge is accurately measured with a ‘V’ notch and a water level measurement system.

To measure discharge over the weir accurately,

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Model ESM-12S

Digital Seepage Monitoring System


Model ESM-10

V-Notch Weir for Seepage Monitoring

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