Scour Monitoring System

Scouring is wearing away of riverbed material that supports piers or abutments. The piles or pier foundation get exposed down to significant depths due to large scale scouring. This may destabilize the foundation of the bridge causing bridge failure. Scouring thus compromises the safety of the bridge. It has been the cause of failure of several bridges around the world. It is thus, critical for the stakeholders to detect the occurrence of stream/riverbed scour at bridge piers and monitor the scour depth variation.

Encardio Rite offers two innovative bridge (streambed) scour monitoring solutions that provide crucial information in near real-time on the dynamics of sediment scour and aggregation.

  • Model EBSM-101M Magnetic scour monitoring system. It uses a magnetic collar on an embedded stainless steel body tubular probe. The

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Model EBSM-101S

Sonar Scour Monitoring System


Model EBSM-101M

Magnetic Scour Monitoring System

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