S7 Expressway & Tunnel
Expressway S7 or Express Road S7 (in Polish Droga ekspresowa S7) is a major road in Poland that has been planned to run from Gdańsk on the Baltic coast through Elbląg, Warsaw, Radom, Kielce and Kraków to Rabka near the border with Slovakia. It is the highest road in Poland. The expressway has two lanes and an emergency lane on either side of a central reservation. The road also includes three uphill sections which will have three lanes on each carriageway, as well as a tunnel 2 km in length.
Geotechnical monitoring was required during the construction of Expressway S7 section Kraków- Rabka Zdrój, and section Naprawa - Skomielna Biała with tunnel.
Encardio-rite supplied the geotechnical instruments through marketing associates in the region. Geotechnical instruments supplied included almost 60 numbers of anchor bolt load cells, an inclinometer, and a piezometer with portable smart readout units.
Project | S7 Expressway & Tunnel |
Location | Poland |
Duration | 2018 |